The benefits of practicing gratitude are many. See the Gratitude Attitude and It’s Benefits for more on what gratitude is and its many benefits. It’s not always easy to remember to be grateful. Gratitude is a habit that takes practice. Like any other skill the more practice given to it the stronger it becomes. Therefore, the more we practice feeling and expressing gratitude the more the brain adapts to a more positive mindset. Let’s exercise and build up this brain “muscle” and make gratitude a regular habit with this 30 Day Gratitude Challenge. See the Gratitude Challenge 3 Simple rules below:
Be sure to write down what you are grateful to help you cultivate gratitude. Evidence suggests that writing down what we are grateful for can more positively influence its impact.
We at DrCCJ.com are looking forward to having you join us. The more the merrier… so be sure to invite family and friends to join in. Need help remembering to share daily? Sign up to Get Text Alerts (on the upper right side of this page).
Healthy Brain. Healthy Body. Happy Life ed-danmark.com.
Dr. J!
Day 30: I am grateful for DRJ! and DRCCJ.COM. I am thankful for learning the power of gratefulness. It has helps me to experience joy and contentment, no matter how chaotic, unmanageable, flawed, or busy my life looks. I now understand how gratitude is one of my most powerful tools When I manage to be thankful for what I have and what is going on in my life, despite how it appears, my whole perspective on life changes for the better. This challenge has helped me realize that the stress I have being dealing with is one of the effects of ungratefulness and it has helped me deal with my stresses and difficulties successfully, while I was experiencing it. I am going to consciously cultivate gratitude on a regular basis, by being grateful for everything, my ups and my downs. Thank you DRJ! I choose to live with an attitude of gratitude.
Day 30: I’m grateful for EVERYTHING. The good, the bad and the ups and down. It’s all a part of my life experiences and all make me who I am.
Day 29: I’m grateful for HINDSIGHT, being able to learn from my past so I don’t make the same mistakes in the future especially as it relates to trusting God.
Day 28: I’m grateful for OPPORTUNITIES TO GIVE. As I gather can goods and others items for the work donation collection as well as set aside money to donate to a family who lost everything in a fire, I’m reminded of how grateful I am that I am in a position to give. It feels good to give and we all have something we can contribute. I’m also grateful for MUSIC and ESSENTIAL OILS. Both keep me in a good mood. 😊
Day 28: I am grateful for INTERNET AND TELEPHONE service. My internet and phone service was out for awhile due to the blizzards that pass through my area. While there are occasional frustrations, my internet, telephone and the progressing technology that comes with its existence, I have another reason to be grateful. I am also grateful to the many technicians who work outside in all weather to repair our lines and get us back up and running.
Funny how some times it takes having something taken away for us to be reminded of it and our appreciation for it.
Day 27: I am grateful for THINGS THAT DIDN’T HAPPEN. Not everything I wanted was the best for me though I may not have known it at the time. I’m glad some things didn’t happen for me to make space for what God wants and for what should in my life.
Day 26: I’m grateful for HEAT. It snowed last night and the weather is getting really cold. It can be easy to take for granted a warm car as other stand on the bus stop in this freezing weather and a warm house those others have no home or no heat. In fact, today school was open in Chicago and some schools had not heat because the power went out. Teachers and kids working in a cold environment 😞. I’m thankful for heat in my car, at home and at work. I’m also thankful for cohorts and co-workers.
Yes, we often take for granted the many things we have, when other do not have basic necessities. I pray every day for those less fortunate then we are and I am also grateful for heat.
Day 25: I’m grateful for PATIENCE especially in the face of adversity and as I’m moving forward in my future.
Day 24: I’m grateful for COOKING. I love to cook and the kitchen is my happy place. I feel so relaxed whenever I’m cooking and I’m glad I’ve gotten to cook more during this time off for the holiday. I’m also blessed to come from a family of great cooks and to learn to cook and about good food from my parents.
Day 24: I am grateful for all the ABUNDANCE and OPPORTUNITIES in my life and all that is coming to me. As I continue to give abundantly, I will receive abundantly.
Day 23: I am grateful for PEACE and having no conflicts, especially no major ones, in my life right now.
Day 23: I am grateful for WISDOM THAT COMES WITH AGE. As we age our brain slow down but EXPERIENCE and KNOWLEDGE make up for it.
Day 22: I’m grateful for LOVE. I could really feel the love being with my family today. I’m thankful that I am loved by God, my family and friends. And it’s a blessing to have the ability to love others. I am also grateful for spending time with my family today, especially getting to be with my Aunt P at her annual Thanksgiving gather one more year.
Day 21: I am grateful for MUSIC. I love music. Music gets me through tough time, calm my spirit, and put joy into my heart. ❤️ I can listen to music all day and night. There are many benefits to listening to music. It Reduces stress, Lessens anxiety, Improves exercise, Improves memory, Eases pain, Improves cognitive and provides comfort.
Day 21: I’m grateful for THE WORD, access to it and the preached Word that helps my understanding. Also for having my best friend in from out of town and getting quality time with her today. And a HOME. I was reminded of this blessing upon hearing of a family that lost their home and possessions in a fire.
Day 20: I am grateful for FINDING SOMETHING I THOUGHT WAS LOST! On the last Wednesday in June, I lost/misplaced something. I assume it was gone for good. However, today my husband found it. I thought I lost it outside the home, so I put it out of my mind. But it is funny how God works, for the place that the item was found is not a place that I ever go into. Thank you Heavenly Father!
Isn’t that one of the best feelings? Especially after you’d already made peace with it being gone. Make us appreciate things that much more when it returns back to us. 😊
Day 20: I’m grateful for KNOWLEDGE AND EDUCATION having them and the ability and privilege to acquire both. I appreciate both so much particularly because they were denied of people who looked like me in that past.
Day 19: I’m grateful for BALANCE in my life. Having balance is definitely an ongoing thing and is certainly still a work in progress in my life. However I’m thankful have a more positive outlook, to be actively working to lower stress and to engage in more of what matters in my life and less in what doesn’t.
Day 18: I am grateful for MY HUSBAND, his love and support. I am also grateful for MY PARENTS. Four years ago around this time my dad had a life threatening situation. We could have lost him and my mother is a cancer survivor. I’m so blessed to still have both of them in my life and appreciate any time I can spend with them. I’m grateful for GOD’S GRACE in both situations that He said not now and allowed me more time with them. Today was such a day. After worship service I spent some quality time with them. And came home to quality time with my love. Today is a truly blessed day!
I’m also grateful for the GIFT OF MEDITATION. I was feeling antsy today when I went to church. I don’t know why. Just one of those days. Ever have them? Instead of getting really upset at two ladies holding a whole conversation in the pew behind me during the entire sermon, I remained calm. I chalk this up to consistent meditation practice. Instead of walking out of service I started writing out a huge list of things I’m grateful for, knowing it is impossible to focus on both negative (the talking) and positive (gratitude) at he same time. 😊
Day 18: I am grateful for THE BIBLE. How blessed we are to have access to God’s Word, to be able to own it in our homes and hearts. We are able to read the Bible and experience its life-giving power, which is God-breathed. It is the guide by which we are to live; the standard by which we are to measure our lives. Today, I am making known how much I appreciate God’s lamp unto my feet and His light unto my path. I ask that He uses His Word to reveal the Truth to me daily as I continue on my journey with Christ.
I’m grateful for God’s guidance, wisdom and understanding!!
Day 17: I am grateful for MY CAREER. It allows me to serve others and help them bring about changes they desire in their lives and families.
Yes indeed, there are so many who are not in a job that enables them to touch and change lives and families.
Day 17: I am grateful for MY FUTURE. There are many days where I find it hard to believe God has an outstanding plan for me and my life. I often get so down in the dump with my current circumstances and I cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel. Nevertheless, I thank God everyday for His unseen hand working in my life. I thank Him for always working on me, even when I cannot feel His existence and my present circumstances would have me believe He is not there. I thank God for preparing me for all of the great things to come.
Even when He doesn’t seem to speak to us He always hears us when we talk to Him. Keep praying and trust I g Him through your circumstances.
Day 16: I am grateful for CHILDREN. Not just my children but all children. Children are the one who look up to you, watch you and bring joy to your life. Children are a blessing from God. They help me see the world like it was new, the keep me active, they amaze me and give me hope. Children are our future and we must invest in them, whether we are a parent or not. There are children all around us and they all need some guidance, support and encouragement. Please find one to mentor because they all have the potential to succeed in life and contribute to society; however, they often need some love, guidance and support.
Day 16: I’m grateful for GROWTH… spiritually, emotionally, personally, professionally and throughout my entire life. Earlier today I drove by a place where I used to live and was reminded of how far I’ve come in many areas of my being. I stopped right then and there and simply took time to thank God. I may not be what or where I want to be but I’m not who and where I used to be. 🙌🏽
It is wonderful when we are able to see our growth. It is important to remember that when we ask God for things, He doesn’t just give them to us. He, in His infinite wisdom, puts us through situations that will allow us to grow.
Day 15: I’m grateful for FOOD and access to good quality food.
Day 15: I am grateful for FORGIVENESS. I am thankful that I am learning to forgive myself as well as those who have hurt me.
Amen. Forgiveness is so freeing.
Day 14: I am grateful for GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE. Today I went to pick-up medication to find out it cost over two hundred dollars. The wonderful pharmacist took her time and found me a discount that I will forever be grateful for.
Day 14: I am grateful for an OPEN HEART that allows me to learn new things, be flexible and fearless and push through though times.
I’m extremely grateful for my parents being believers and followers of Christ. That has proven to be the difference in my life!!
Day 13: I am grateful for MY ANCESTORS and BLACK PEOPLE who came before me. So many things were denied for my people and so much unfair, unjust treatment, etc. throughout history. I am grateful for all of the people who came before me who went through struggles and fought for rights so I can be here living free, educated, able to vote, can voice my truth, etc. I am because they first were.
I am also grateful for ANYONE who came before me and who are still working now for equality, the advancement of minorities, fair treatment for all, etc. as I realize not everyone who works for social good looks like me.
Day 12: I am grateful for WHERE I AM NOW. To often we think about what we don’t have and what we wish we had, myself included. Staying stuck in the past wishing keeps us depressed and robs us of our present. Likewise, worrying about the future and what we wish we could have keeps us anxious. So today I am grateful and simply appreciate all I have now. I let go of what didn’t happen in the past. I am open to what will be in the future. And today I appreciate where I am and what I have now.
I am also grateful for our VETERANS today and every day for their invaluable service.
AMEN! I totally agree with you. We must learn to appreciate what we have and what we have become and stop worrying about what could have been.
I am also grateful for our VETERANS. Thank you for serving our country and protecting our freedom!
Day 12: I am grateful for FIREFIGHTERS. I am grateful for all of the brave men and women who risk their lives to save others. There are tens of thousands of residents fleeing their homes and it is said that this is the most destructive fire in modern state history. However, brave firefighters are continually fighting this deadly fire, risking their life to save others. Today, I heard there were more than 200 firefighters from across Texas who was starting the long journey west to California to help fight the fire and save lives. While some people run from problems, there are firefighters who run to them. To any firefighter who might read this post, thank you for all that you do.
Yes! Mrs. C 🙌
Grateful, grateful, grateful to have arrived home safely from a trip to California and for being able to see my brother and his children. It was wonderful that my Mom was able to share in the moment. The band was back together!
Family time is so precious and definitely something to be so grateful for.
It is wonderful to travel and spend time with family. I am grateful for your safe return and the time you spent with your family, creating memories and strengthen your family bond.
Day 11: I’m grateful for LOVE. I have so much love in my life from family, friends and my church. Today my heart cup overflows with love because of a spirit filled worship experience and a beautiful time with my family, especially the two cutie pie babies. ❤️
Day 11: I am grateful for MY CHURCH. My church provides encouragement, corporate worship, fellowship and the opportunity for me to connect with others Christians. It is great that I have the freedom to worship with other believers. I am grateful that I have a pastor and church staff with integrity and wisdom. I know that it is God who guides them as they lead His church to advance the cause of Christ. My pastor is constantly informing the church of the importance of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ and taking it into the world. My church teaches that “we are to be a church after church”, we come into church to worship and leave to serve.
Day 10: I am grateful for GOOD TIMES. Not to long ago I had to turn down so many invitations to social events. I’m grateful I’ve gotten through hurdles and can now enjoy such gatherings. Today I attended and had such a good time at a charity event and the birthday party of a friend. Two outings in one day 😊. So glad I could say yes, be fully present and truly enjoy these.
Day 10: I am grateful for LOVE! For love is patient. It’s kind. It’s forgiving. It’s unselfish. It protects. It gives generously. It is the greatest of all. It is LOVE. Love that lights up the darkness, gives hope to the hopeless. Love that changes lives and saves souls. God is love. I am thankful for being invited out to a wonderful and blessed celebration. It was full of family, friends, fun and LOVE.
Day 9: I am grateful for the OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE others via volunteer and service opportunities as well as within my profession.
Day 9: I am grateful for my LIFE, HEALTH and STRENGTH. With my life, health and strength I choose to serve and help others, especially those who are struggling with their health. . I am thankful that I am able to maintain my own inner stability while working together with others who are undergoing health challenge. At my age, I cannot take for granted my life, health or strength. Today one of the person I support, mention to me how I was still flexible and it made me stop and thank God for keeping me.
I’m so grateful for a positive attitude because it makes a huge difference when you are dealing with people. It truly makes your day much brighter!!
Amen to that.
Day 8: I am grateful for GIFT OF FRIENDS. Today I enjoyed a wonderful day with some old friends and make a few new friends. My life was truly touched with friendship, kindness and love, as we spent the day together. My life is so much better because I had the blessing of experiencing this amazing gift call friendship with some of the most beautiful, kind and caring women. Even though some of the women are just passing by my life, I am grateful for the time we spent together. I will always carry each of them close to my heart, in my mind and in my prayers. At the end of our gathering, we walked into the cold, brisk air and a young lady was walking down the street with a gorgeous floral autumn arrangement. I turn and told her how stunning the arrangement was and asked her if they were for me. She said, “Yes, someone just gave them to me and I was wondering what to do with them”. And she gave them to me. Although, I did not get the young lady’s name and will most likely never see her again, she is included as my friend who only came into my life for a brief moment.
It looks like kindness was in the air today. That’s so nice that young lady gave you the flowers 🌺.
Day 8: I’m grateful for KINDNESS. During my last vacation I was followed around stores and asked to show my ID when I paid for items with my bank card while at Carlsbad Premium Outlets. No person ahead of me was asked to show their ID while checking out. I recognized these as prejudice and racist practices I’ve experienced when shopping in Chicago when I was younger. I’ve not encountered this “they think I’m stealing because I’m Black” thing in a good while. But what I remember most about this vacation was the kindness of a stranger. I was checking out at a grocery store and the cashier asked me if I had their discount card. I said “No. I’m from out of town.” Before I could feel bummed about not getting the discount for my items a nice guy in line behind me handed me his card and said “you do now.” I thanked him several times and walked out feeling so grateful. AND today while walking into Khols a lady who was walking out as I walked in handed me two 20% off coupons that we’re going to expire soon that she didn’t use. I again was so grateful for the kindness of a stranger and thankful to get the item I needed to purchase for less 😊. Love and kindness always trumps hate, prejudice and racism. I’m glad not everyone is like those people at that Carlsbad outlet mall.
Day 7: I’m grateful for JOY. I’ve been so joyful lately. I can’t fully explain it. I feel the joy when good happens and even when not so good occurs. I find myself smiling and dancing for no reason. Its the type of joy I know only comes from God. After a period of my life where I felt down, I’m grateful to experience such joy over the last 4-5 months.
I forgot my lunch at home today 😞. I am grateful the company I work for provided lunch for everyone and I was able to eat a tasty basic salad. A patient canceled and I was able to go to the local health food store to get more to eat, do some reading and get a meditation in 😊. I’m grateful for that time and to have a health food store so close to where I work. I’m also grateful my co-workers will donate items to a service project my mom runs. Today is a beautiful day
Day 7: I am grateful for the PRECIOUS GIFT OF TODAY. Today was quite busy; I didn’t even accomplish half of the things I planned to do. However, there wasn’t a minute that God didn’t fill my lungs with breath. It begun with one second and it ended with 24 hours of breath. 24 hours to let go of yesterday and focus on the promises of today.
Day 6: I am grateful for GOD’S PERFECT TIMING. I have often wondered why it appears that everyone else is being blessed and my prayers are going unheard. It is because God has a specific plan for my life. God is working behind the scene to ensure my future. His plan is better than any I can imagine and my blessings will come in His time, if I just continue to hold on.
Mrs. C I’ve been where you are and while it’s often difficult, continue to hold on. God will reveal His plan for you and it definitely will be in His time. That time will be the right time though it .at not feel that way right now.
I’m grateful for my beautiful wife and 18 years of marriage.
That truly is a blessing.
Day 6: I’m grateful for SHELTER. Its easy to take this for granted having a roof over my head and a home to keep me warm but its not a given. Its getting very chilly in Chicago and I think about and pray for the homeless who do not have this basic need. I’m also grateful for a good night’s sleep last night, nourishing food to eat and more balance in my life.
Dr. J! It is a blessing to have shelter, hot water, food to eat, etc. My heart and prayers goes out to those who are homeless.
Day 5: I am grateful for God’s infinite PROTECTION, from danger seen and unseen. I thank God for all of my normal days when nothing out of the ordinary happen. Every time I hear the news, I am grateful that neither I, nor any member of my family had to endure the things that are going on in this world.
That is something to be thankful for that I think is often taken for granted.
Day 5: I’m grateful for lessons, both good and bad. For without lessons you can’t grow. And I’m a work in progress learning through my lessons.
Amen! We are all a work in progress, learning through our lessons.
We are all a work and progress and often grow more from the bad than the good. Without the bad we wouldn’t appreciate the good.
Day 5: I’m grateful for HEALTH. …spiritual, physical, mental and emotional. To me when the spiritual is off then everything else is off.
Women and minorities did not always have the right to vote in the past. I’m also grateful for the privilege and opportunity to vote.
Yes Dr. J, your spiritual health does affect your physical, mental and emotional. Our health is dependent on all four facets; therefore, it is imperative to nurture each of them.
I am also grateful for the privilege and opportunity to vote.
Day 4: I am grateful for LIFE’S CHALLENGES, which help me to grow, soften my rough spots and are some of my greatest teachers. My challenges help to keep me humble and improve and deepen my relationship with God.
Mrs. C we certainly learn a lot from challenges. I’m a firm believer we learn more from challenges than our success. And if we don’t learn the lesson we usually keep cycling through the same thing until we learn it.
I am thankful for LIFE. 2018 has been by far the worst year for me. And despite all the challenges when I didn’t want to be here, God helped me to choose life. I’m glad I did!!!
Candi I am so glad you decided keep pushing through your pain. If you feel you do not want to be here I. The future PLEASE call 911, go to the nearest emergency room or call 1.800.273.TALK to keep yourself safe and have a supportive person to talk to.
I am grateful for trusting. Not understanding but trusting. Trusting that everything is in Gods will… and I believe that.
Indeed. Amen
Day 4: I’m grateful for LIFE. I know the next breath is not promised. I’m also grateful for another Sunday with my church family and the good spiritual guidance of my pastor. My heart is really full with gratitude on this beautiful Sunday.
A decision on life is always the best decision…. LIFE is good.
I’m grateful for God’s grace, mercy and faithfulness!!!
Day 3: I am thankful for STRENGTH. After a long day of running errands and feeling my strength fading, God blessed me with enough strength to rake up two bags of leaves from my yard.
Day 3: Friends. They see and hear me at my worse and my best. They continue stick with and love me no matter what. I’m so thankful for my BFF and my close friend who was my dissertation buddy. I couldn’t have made it through the last 10 years without them.
I’m also grateful for down time. It allows me time to rest and take care of myself.
Day 2: I am grateful for SUNSHINE on this chilly November day.
Day 2: I’m grateful for family. They have always been with me through good and bad.
I’m soooo grateful to have good health.
Thankful for a job that I LOVE!!!
A job you love helps your health. You’re so blessed.
I’m grateful to God for my health, strength and a stable mind. Also, for a loving wife and family.
Yes KJ. So much to be thankful for.
Day 1: I am grateful for God’s grace, which He renews every morning.
God’s grace is amazing.
Day 1. I’m grateful for God and His presence in my life.